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Thread: visualization

  1. Default visualization

    P22 P33~P37 these are visualization. Can you tell me Functional difference?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: visualization

    Quote Originally Posted by david View Post
    P22 P33~P37 these are visualization. Can you tell me Functional difference?
    They all target the alpha waves but in slightly different ways. The difference is in the other frequencies that are used in the program. For example, P22 goes more into Beta which will create a more alert - higher mental functioning creativity, where as P37 targets Alpha & SMR which is a more relaxed, day dreaming kind of visualization. P33 is in the middle and is more of a straight Alpha program with a bit of theta.

    It would be good to try each of these programs and see which one gets the best results with you.

    I have used P22 with just the headphones (no lights) while I was writing and I found that it helped the creative process.

    Let me know which program works best for you. If you are going to use the machine with the lights, try P33 before you do your creative work. P37 may be a better program, because it's longer and has some Theta, for meditation type visualization work.

    Hope this helps.


  3. Default Re: visualization

    thank you for your help.
    but I hoped that has the very detailed understanding to each program. Specially difference.
    Moreover I discovered that identical program. The use way is different, the effect is dissimilar.
    Can you tell me?

    thank you

  4. #4
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    Default Re: visualization

    Hi David,

    Quote Originally Posted by david View Post
    thank you for your help.
    but I hoped that has the very detailed understanding to each program. Specially difference.
    Moreover I discovered that identical program. The use way is different, the effect is dissimilar.
    Can you tell me?

    thank you
    Sorry, I do not have anything more detailed than what these two attachments can provide you.

    There are subtle differences in each of the programs but over-all what they do is a general thing and that is to coax your brain into making on of the four states (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta) dominant.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. Default Re: visualization

    thank you for your pdf.
    How to correctly use,feel the effects.
    I have been using for six months,4~5hours every day.
    However, I still can not feel.Science needs to quantify.
    My objective is to find the basis for quantifying.
    Said such machines in China "On the potential development of machines"
    What is the potential of development?How can show up?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: visualization

    Hi David,

    Quote Originally Posted by david View Post
    thank you for your pdf.
    How to correctly use,feel the effects.
    I have been using for six months,4~5hours every day.
    However, I still can not feel.Science needs to quantify.
    My objective is to find the basis for quantifying.
    Said such machines in China "On the potential development of machines"
    What is the potential of development?How can show up?
    I don't think you need to use the machine on yourself for 4 or 5 hours a day. One hour is sufficient.

    The only way you could scientifically quantify the results would be if you were also hooked up to an EEG machine which would measure your brainwave frequencies. To know by a "feeling" is a very difficult thing to quantify scientifically.

    How do you measure something like "creativity"? As you are well aware, some people are more creative than others. Can the AVS machine make someone creative who is deficient in this area? Probably not as there are other factors that are linked to creativity than just a certain set of brainwave frequencies. For example, if your artistic ability is limited to drawing stick men, after using the mahcine you won't be painting portraits). The AVS machine can put you in the water but whether you swim or not depends on other things (such as whether you know how to swim).

    If you want to increase your ability to visualize, then you would use the machine to get into the most conducive state for visualization and then you would practice visualization skill building exercises. If you want me to go into detail about what these are, let me know.

    Another example is: Studies have shown that people with addiction problems tend to be deficient in Alpha brainwaves. Will the machine alone cure someone's addiction? No. However, the machine is a tool that can help the person overcome their addiction. The machine can help their brain learn how to generate more alpha waves, which in turn will put their brain in a positive state. Now, if the person is negative and has very dysfunctional thinking, then they will need to learn how to think differently (which is a skill). So while the machine can not teach them how to think differently, it can put them in a state of mind where they may be more open to thinking differently.

    Re: Potential development of machines.

    Sorry, I don't understand the question. Are you asking about the evolution of the AVS machines and what they may be able to do in the future? If so, I don't know if there is much more they can do. EEG Neurofeedback is an advancement of what our machines can do as it is designed to target specific areas of the brain and show you results. These machines, however, are very expensive and your average person is not able to operate the machine without lots of training.

    Last edited by Marisa; 02-21-2008 at 08:54 AM.

  7. Default Re: visualization

    Read your presentation.It is my understanding that the role of machines is increase brain wave appears number of times(For example, Alpha wave),

    I have an analogy.We grow a plant,In the specific circumstances of temperature and humidity,Plant growth can be stronger.If no suitable temperature and humidity,Plant can be grow, but not necessarily strong.

    temperature and humidity,Analogy proteus,Analogy brain wave.

    brain wave Is a condition factor,it will not increase wisdom,But it is conditions.

    My understanding is correct??

  8. #8
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    Default Re: visualization

    Quote Originally Posted by david View Post
    Read your presentation.It is my understanding that the role of machines is increase brain wave appears number of times(For example, Alpha wave),
    Yes, the role of the machine is to increase or decrease the brainwaves. When a person wants to relax, meditate or sleep - he or she will want to decrease the brainwaves to Theta (4 to 7 hz) or sleep (Delta - .5 to 3 hz). The role of the machine is to speed up or slow down the brainwaves.

    Analogy proteus,Analogy brain wave.
    brain wave Is a condition factor,it will not increase wisdom,But it is conditions.

    My understanding is correct??


  9. Default Re: visualization

    Now I finally understood.The machine is one of conditions which studies.

    I think other factors:study system.

    Some people have used the machine. But result not large scale promotion.The reason possibly has used the quite backward study system.

    Therefore. I believed that, whether should have coordinates the machine the study system.

    My analogy:We ask others to eat the beefsteak(machine),Also should teach to use the knife and fork(Coordinates the machine the study system).Otherwise. The customer has eaten the beefsteak. With is the chopsticks.
    Does not have the pleasure to eat the western-style food.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: visualization

    Hi David,

    Quote Originally Posted by david View Post
    Now I finally understood.The machine is one of conditions which studies.

    I think other factors:study system.

    Some people have used the machine. But result not large scale promotion.The reason possibly has used the quite backward study system.

    Therefore. I believed that, whether should have coordinates the machine the study system.

    My analogy:We ask others to eat the beefsteak(machine),Also should teach to use the knife and fork(Coordinates the machine the study system).Otherwise. The customer has eaten the beefsteak. With is the chopsticks.
    Does not have the pleasure to eat the western-style food.
    I think I understand what you are saying. Yes, if a person uses the Proteus as part of a over-all program, they will get the best results. Having said that, the Proteus can do much on its own for a person but the effects, in most cases, will be subtle. For example, a person may use a "concentration" program every day for a week and not notice that their concentration has actually improved - because the change is subtle.

    In my case, I didn't notice the effects right away. It was some time later when I realized that I was focusing on my task without letting outside noise distract me. The Proteus had done its job but I didn't notice the effects, at first, because they were gradual. It's like watching a child grow - you don't see the changes in growth every day but one day, you see the child has outgrown the clothes or you notice the child is much bigger.

    In the case of relaxation, the effect may be immediate. The person will feel noticeably more relaxed after using the machine. In some cases, the person falls asleep (which is as relaxed as you can get ).

    So - some effects are more easily measured than other effects. Some results take longer to achieve than others. Some results are best achieved when used with other methods (such as proper diet, attitude and skill building exercises).

    Make sense?


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