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Thread: Suggestion for added feature in next update

  1. #1

    Default Suggestion for added feature in next update

    I was just doing a long session using the Audiostrobe album, Beautiful Future, and I was really enjoying switching through the various color sets for all of the different effects that each one creates. However, it does act as a bit of distraction to be wondering whether to push the button and go to the next color set, or just stay with what I am seeing.

    It got me to thinking it might be nice to have a new "color set" setting that randomly cycles through the 16 existing color sets. This would be great for long sessions where you are in the mood for a lot of variety in the visuals.

    I know there are already several random color sets, but it still would create a different kind of variety to have the machine switch color sets on its own, say every 15-20 seconds.

    I have no idea if this is easy or hard to do, but if it is easy, it would be a nice feature.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Suggestion for added feature in next update

    It is a good suggestion and one that internally we talk about quite a bit. ColorSet control is something will be working toward in upcoming updates. I think a very nice random addition is to mix the 'pan' based and 'color' based sets and morphing between them. This aspect is basically what the 2 categories of ColorSets are right now. This blog post describes that:

    Essentially right now though the ColorSets are visually very interesting and the realtime control is fun. They are also utility sets that covers a lot of past mappings. For instance those with older machines of ours, monocolor, bicolor, and even tricolor Procyon glasses can all be engaged using different ColorSets.
    I want to detail this more at some near time as you can basically use any Ganzframe glasses you have to some degree for different purposes. (or any common power/anode glasses or leds)
    There is a lot of room for growth in the ColorSets.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Suggestion for added feature in next update

    I think it would also be nice to have some ColorSet control for Spectrastrobe sessions as well.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Suggestion for added feature in next update

    Can I ask if the different visuals affect brainwaves or are they just for entertainment value?
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Suggestion for added feature in next update

    We could only really map SS by not looking at it as SS. AudioStrobe is just 1 stream (or band however you want to look at it) You are looking at 2 channels of this stream... essentially L and R pan positions. Then you map from there. SpectraStrobe has 3 streams already (6 channels), each one of these represents a color channel and its pan position. You can see that it is much more processor intensive to filter these, then pass them to light mapping. The only added benefit of remapping SpectraStrobe is to flip colors or something like that. The session designer has already programmed all the colors. You really could never do anything more with mapping (at least that I can conceptualize) than you can do now with programming.
    So, as far as delivering dynamic realtime changing colors attached to synchronization pulses, AudioStrobe is good for this purpose.
    What is it that you are missing or wanting to do, in case I am being daft?

    It depends on what the content of the session is. The frequencies won't change by using the different glasses. Some complex ones might be layered together for a unique effect. Or like with the Proteus glasses some frequencies with trigger alternating reds and greens. The really good use is with white Ganzframes, where white creates all kinds of 'false' colors with complex frequencies. Also there are weird tricks with the Procyon glasses depending on how much you plug them in. Like you can half way plug them in to engage only some of the jack contacts to get weird light combinations. I have lots of extra Procyon glasses so I have no fear of damaging any of them but although unlikely doing this could have adverse effects. (don't blame me )
    It is a pretty in deep subject when you explore it. But expands the Kasina output to yet another level.
    Also, there really is no difference between entrainment and entertainment frequencies. The brain makes no such distinction and is effected by everything.

    Last edited by neuroasis; 09-11-2014 at 07:35 AM.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Suggestion for added feature in next update

    Wow, great thanks. So do you think it would give me a whole new experience to get some White ganz frames too?
    Would they suit being used with Kasina
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Suggestion for added feature in next update

    I like white Ganzframes and use them for most serious 'entrainment' work. They also teach you a lot about what is 'real colors' that you are seeing and what are 'false colors' that are generated by the frequencies themselves. In the 13hz to 18hz range you are going to get all kinds of false reds and blues. Occasionally in deep entrainment at lower alpha and theta you will get yellows and greens. C. Maxwell Cade who was Anna Wise's mentor and a brilliant theoretician is this field, suggests that these false color are indicative of the dominant frequency range. I think there could be some merit to this.

    Once you begin to recognize the false colors then you can exploit them in session creation and learn why certain mixtures don't do what you expect.

    RGB glasses cannot really achieve 'white' like pure white LEDs (which are tainted bluish or yellowish anyway... our new ones are bluish, the original Sirius ones are yellowish) although in theory the combination of all LEDs would be white. In closed eyes it never quite works out this way at least for me in comparison.
    Last edited by neuroasis; 09-11-2014 at 09:12 AM.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Suggestion for added feature in next update

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroasis View Post
    We could only really map SS by not looking at it as SS. AudioStrobe is just 1 stream (or band however you want to look at it) You are looking at 2 channels of this stream... essentially L and R pan positions. Then you map from there. SpectraStrobe has 3 streams already (6 channels), each one of these represents a color channel and its pan position. You can see that it is much more processor intensive to filter these, then pass them to light mapping. The only added benefit of remapping SpectraStrobe is to flip colors or something like that. The session designer has already programmed all the colors. You really could never do anything more with mapping (at least that I can conceptualize) than you can do now with programming.
    So, as far as delivering dynamic realtime changing colors attached to synchronization pulses, AudioStrobe is good for this purpose.
    What is it that you are missing or wanting to do, in case I am being daft?
    I would like approx. the same control over the spectrastrobe sessions that we have with the audiostrobe sessions. I love the way the current colorset let's you pick and chose the primary colour(s) and whether each channel is combined or separate (l/r). I understand that spectrastrobe sessions have been colour coded already (in fact many AS ones are too) but it is nice to be able to simply modify these by using colorsets.

    Sounds like another 'too hard' request?

    I have used all-white glasses a lot and I do not think there is any advantage of these over the all-red glasses. I find that the white glasses are a little too harsh and do not give as good audiostrobe patterns as the all red glasses. No difference(s) in entrainment value imho, just personal preference imho.

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    Default Re: Suggestion for added feature in next update

    Right I get that. Thanks for your input.
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: Suggestion for added feature in next update

    Quote Originally Posted by TomC View Post
    I understand that spectrastrobe sessions have been colour coded already (in fact many AS ones are too) but it is nice to be able to simply modify these by using colorsets.
    Actually, AudioStrobe is not colour coded, it merely has a left and right channel signal. Those 2 channels could be mapped to left/right or 2 different colours, or 2 legs on a robot, there's nothing in the encoding or specification that determines what each channel "should" be. This differs from SS where the 6 channels are specified to be Red Left/Green Left/Blue Left/Red Right/Green Right/Blue Right.

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