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Thread: Help needed creating sessions

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    On changing individual sessions on the Procyon. Transferring multiple sessions requires a corresponding Album file. An Album has the extension PRB and is simply a text listing of the sessions you want to transfer and their order. This file must go in the same folder where the sessions are located. If you need copies of the full factory sessions they are here: There is a PRB named ! FACTORY SESSIONS ALBUM.PRb which is the first file in the archive.

    Open it in a text editor like NotePad. From there you can delete the sessions from the list you don't want, change the order of the list or add new entries with the name you have given the session and the extension .PRW. ie MyProcyonSession.PRw

    Save the edited Album file with a name of your choosing such as MyProcyonAlbum.PRb Save it in the same folder where the sessions are. If you are adding custom sessions then you must move these to the folder with the Album and the other sessions.

    If you change the order of the Factory Sessions be aware of what you have put in each slot as the numbers on the display showing the session number will now differ from the Factory Session description list. You can use the Album file to know what the order the sessions are.

    In the Procyon Editor choose Upload Album of Sessions under the Session Tools menu. Browse to and select the Album file you created. Generally you want to Overwrite the contents of the Procyon with the sessions indicated in the Album.

    If you feel like you might make a mistake here, you can first backup the contents of the Procyon by using the command Archive Procyon Sessions under the Session Tools menu. It saves a file with the extension PRa. You can return the Procyon to a prior state using the Restore Archive Sessions command and opening the PRa file you saved.

    Once you have the Procyon as you like it or want to work from different session lists, you can save multiple albums or archive files. Use these to change and manage the sessions on the Procyon.

    Make sense?
    Last edited by neuroasis; 10-09-2014 at 10:35 AM.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  2. Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    So the flashing light frequency is what actually encourages our brainwaves to change (provided we don't fight it) and the binaural beats help facilitate the change by stimulating the cortex and making our conscious more open to suggestion. Did I get that right?

    So with that in mind the truly important things to focus on is the light frequencies and the difference in the pitch to induce the binaural beat. All else is cosmetic and for show to keep people slightly entertain while they are getting mind altered?

    I can ramp the pitch (with respect to the binaural beat) and ramp the volumes between the ears and not worry about negating the effect I am trying to cause.

    I can alter the Amp's and duty cycle's to do all kinds of LSD type things and everything will still be fine as long the the freq's are right.

    What is phase? DC offset seems to not be important.

    Did I get it all right?

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    It's hard to make conclusive statements as concerns the human brain, the most complex machine in the known universe. Especially because people have vastly different ways of processing information and associations.

    What is known is that in humans around 30% of the cortex is devoted to visual processing whereas for sound it is only about 3%. It is also very apparent after a session using photic stimulation that your perception of color and vision have been greatly altered.

    Personally, I adopt some fairly basic strategies in creating sessions. I basically divide them into 3 primary parts. In the first part I want to 'get attention', create novel and interesting patterns, and send out cascades of complex stimulation. Think of this like the opening songs in a concert, they set the stage and getcha rocking.

    After 6 to 8 minutes or so, the changes slow down and the 'ballad' numbers start. This is the chill out, working part of the session. The patterns and audio settle down to relatively static purposeful settings. The brain is primed for these after the intense open segments.

    There is a lot of thought that goes into how best to encapsulate the intention of the session, given the available tools. However, generally simple stimulation characterizes this stage. An important element however is to ramp away from the target frequency periodically, even doubling or halving it.

    Think of these like 'sleep spindles'. In fact generally looking at the overall structure of sleep stages is useful. These are the most ordered brainwave patterns we know of and a lot of data about them has been gathered.

    It is a broad topic and individual preferences play a large role. For instance, I greatly prefer strong 'drone' elements in audio but with synchronized movements. Binaural beats qualify as this type of stimulus. In the opening stages though isochronic tones are more suitable. That is using the onboard tools. Adding music or composing specially designed music is a whole other arena.

    The final part of a session varies according to the intent. It can be a 'return to baseline' or 'leave'em wanting more' or 'drop off to sleep'. It depends on what you plan to do after the session really.

    I feel (and many would agree) that the onboard sessions on the Procyon are very classic examples of balancing stimulation and visuals, with a bit of audio spice thrown in to taste. Studying them (as you can by opening them in the editor) is helpful.

    Phase is normally used to create alternating lights from left to right. The Procyon glasses aren't wired for that though. On the Procyon slight phase differences are good to create 'trailing' color effects by slightly offsetting the lights. Phase is alignment. So when the lights are in phase they flash together. When they are 180 degrees (127) out of phase they flash in alternation. So say you have Red at 1hz with 0 phase and Green at 1hz with 127 phase. It would flash Red, then Green, then Red, the Green, etc. Overall at 2hz because the Green beats are 'between' the Red beats.
    Now if you put them really close together like Red 0, Green 6, Blue 12, then you would get like 3 quick flashes which creates a more interesting visual than if the lights all flash together. Note that as long as they are really close the 'spike' for the purpose of entrainment is still present.

    DC Offset is good for creating 'solid' fields of color like a Ganzfeld (google it). It is also good to not drop out colors entirely, like keep them on but still fading in and out a bit, just not all the way to black. This is the 'contrast' nature. Note that Amplitude and DC Offset are linked. When you increase DC Offset above 127, say to 150, you at least want to reduce the Amplitude by the same amount of the offset, in this case 150-127 = 23, for Amplitude you set 255-23=232. Otherwise the lights will 'clip' that is cut off the top of the wave, like flattening the top of a sine wave. VSD helps to show this and my videos on it explain it I think. (been awhile since I made them)
    Below 127, DC Offset does crazy things that are hard to visualize but still useful once you have a handle on it.

    It's really a lot to write about in one sitting (much less read) but I want to provide as much help as you want, and it benefits other Procyon users probably, so I don't mind. But I don't want to provide more than you can process or use at one time.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  4. Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    I interpret and purpose information differently than most people. I will post my session once completed if you wouldn't mind taking a look at it.

  5. Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    Is there a way I can upload a session to this thread for you to look at? Also, the software will no longer upload sessions to the unit. The function will just not work.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    .zip up your session(s).

    Click on "Go Advanced" or Double-Click on "Reply" below your post and a new "Advanced" Editor window will open.

    Click on the paper clip icon in the menu bar.

    Click on "Browse" and find the .zip file.

    Click on "Upload" and wait for the uploading to finish.

    Click on "Close this Window" and you'll be back here.

    Click "Submit Reply" at the bottom of the Editor.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  7. Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    Here is what I have created and I fixed my upload problem by uninstalling and re-installing the software.

    I would appreciate your input on my session. My intent is to put the listener into deep sleep for about 30 or so minutes.
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  8. #28
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    Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    The file you have attached is the PRH file. This is a file that contains header information like session name, description.. etc. You actually need to upload the PRW file. It is the same folder as the one where this one is. You could put both of these in the zip archive if you wanted but all the session data is contained in the PRW.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  9. Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    Sorry I took so long. Did I get it right this time?
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  10. #30
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    Default Re: Help needed creating sessions

    Quote Originally Posted by OldeSchoolWolf View Post
    Sorry I took so long. Did I get it right this time?
    Still only the header (.prh)
    We need the .prw file.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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