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Thread: Glee turns to disappointment

  1. #1

    Angry Glee turns to disappointment

    I was extremely excited when i received my Procyon product. There were two reasons for buying this over all others on the market. Firstly I wanted 3 colour glasses. Secondly, I wanted something programmable.

    Regarding the first point a lot of the programmes use predominately red and green LEDs. Not a problem as I can create session using the blue LED which to me is more relaxing. Then the second point comes into play. Every time I opened the software I had to browse for the driver. Of course, when I want to work on some software I don't want to do this. Imagine if everytime I wanted to print something I had to find the printer driver. Anyway, I thought I would strart from scratch and uninstalled everything and downloaded again. Now it won't open a port and says it is not connected. When the marketing literature says programmable, it means by a programmer.

    Its a good thing I can use a preprogammed session to destress after playying aorund for so long.

  2. #2
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Glee turns to disappointment


    I'm sorry to hear of the trouble you're having. I have never heard of this "search for driver" problem before.

    Did you download and install the software from here:

    You should only be installing the driver once and never need to after that.

    Running the editor as far as I know will never "Search for the driver", so I'm wondering if instead of running it you're actually trying to re-install it each time. Which program are you clicking when trying to run the editor?

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Glee turns to disappointment


    I am clicking on the .exe file for Procyon. Maybe I didn;t follow the steps properly. SHould I download the driver first then attach the Procyon before downloading the editor and installing it. Sometimes these things need to be donw in order.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Glee turns to disappointment

    Can you tell me the exact file name of the exe you are clicking?

    On the Start Menu it should be called "Procyon AVS", and the file name (check the properties of the Start Menu link) should be "Procyon2_3_00.exe"

    Once the driver is installed, you should never need to click it or install it again, so it doesn't matter what order anymore, as long as you did it once. Once it's installed, and after you've installed the Editor, you only click the "Procyon AVS" link in the Start Menu to run the Editor.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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