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Thread: SynchroMuse/DAS issue

  1. #1

    Default SynchroMuse/DAS issue

    Have Rev1 console, Win XP (SP3)
    Successfully installed Unified driver/editor
    Updated OS (console flashes 1.7.6 on startup) (days ago, thanks to Craig and Andy!)
    Audacity'd a sound file, flagged the segments, etc.
    Created 5 segment session, no audio, segment timings per flags, Session ID = "SkyTwo" (without the quotes)
    Created DAS RAW file in Editor:
    Issue) Button on Session Header Information = "Make ID raw file". Clicking on this button does indeed create a RAW file in the Prochyon directory, but it is named "x_SkyTwo_x.raw" with no option to change the name. Is this the problem?
    Copied/pasted the x_SkyTwo_x.raw data to the beginning of the Audacity sound file (per Tutorial)
    Saved Audacity file as WAV (per Tutorial)
    Also saved Session in Editor locally as: SkyTwo.PRw
    Uploaded Session to console as Session 001 (now only two sessions (000 and 001)
    Tested Session 001 on console in SES mode and it looked like it ran as I wanted (lights flashed as I programmed)
    Set console mode to DAS
    Plugged in audio cable and played Audacity file: could hear raw data chirp and the audio file just fine through Prochyon headset, but no Prochyon lights (Session)
    Played the WAV file with Nero: same results
    Upped the "Amplify" on the RAW data portion of the Audacity file, resaved and recreated WAV file
    Powered down and up the console, rechecked that the Session would run in SES mode - OK
    Set console to DAS mode
    Played both the Audacity file and WAV file (as above), but no Prochyon lights.

    Have tried various combinations/modifications to the above, reboots, USB connected, disconnected, batteries in/out, Editor running/not running, typing "enhanced" into Editor grey bar, etc., but all have same result. It seems as if the console either does not recognize the RAW data portion of the audio file, or the Session ID does not match.

    Got any advice? Spot any errors in the above?

    Thanks in advance again,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: SynchroMuse/DAS issue

    The tutorial includes... "Click Make ID Raw File. You will be given a path and filename for the Session Header. It should include exactly the name you've noted as Session ID. It will have a bunch of other characters as well - not important." so your "issue" shouldn't be the issue.

    Did you pick up on "Note that the RAW file must be imported in STEREO - the Audacity default is mono, so this will need to be set."?

    It's a while since I've done any of this in real life - I can't see anything obviously awry.

    I'm picking Esteband, with his fresh experience will be all over the problem like a spider monkey


  3. #3

    Default Re: SynchroMuse/DAS issue

    Thanks for your quick response, and yes, I did the RAW Audacity in stereo. Have followed Tutorial as exactly and closely as possible (and your post "SynchroMuse Works". Look forward to a resolution.

    In appreciation,


  4. #4

    Default Re: SynchroMuse/DAS issue

    Just discovered a possible clue:

    Opened only the RAW file in Audacity and played it while in DAS mode on the console and it activated the session properly!

    Copied/pasted the RAW contents to the beginning of my sound file and played the result but NoGo.

    Did it the other way around (copied pasted my sound file to the end of the RAW file in Audacity), played it and the stored session kicked off like it was supposed to, but the sound file portion played at twice the speed !!!.

    I believe it has to do with the different sampling rates of the two files (RAW file = 44100Hz, and sound file = 22050Hz).

    Could not adjust the sampling rate of either file in Audacity without changing the speed of playback.

    Used Nero WAV editor to convert the sampling rate of the sound file to 44100Hz (this did not alter playback speed), saved the Nero converted sound file, then opened the RAW file and the Nero-converted sound file in Audacity, welded them together per Tutorial and ... Bingo!

    Only issue/investigation remaining at this time is that resultant WAV file quality leaves a lot to be desired. So my next question is a bit more Prochyon technical:

    What are the maximum/minimum file sample formats and sample rates that the Prochyon will recognize in DAS mode? (e.g. formats: 16bit, 24bit, 32bit-float, and rates: 8000 - 96000Hz) ???

    Thanks again in advance for your timely response. I am looking forward to getting this all cleared up and posting my experience/discoveries(?). I expect that it would save many others a great deal of time and frustration (and perhaps, lead to many user uploads of their Session creations).


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: SynchroMuse/DAS issue

    Quote Originally Posted by SteveS View Post
    What are the maximum/minimum file sample formats and sample rates that the Prochyon will recognize in DAS mode? (e.g. formats: 16bit, 24bit, 32bit-float, and rates: 8000 - 96000Hz) ???
    Hi Steve;

    The Procyon audio input connection is analog, formats and sample rates don't apply. What does matter is that the original audio is of decent enough quality (with decent frequency response and little or no file compression) for the Procyon to read the header. The header is a bunch of 19.2khz bursts which need to be relatively untouched by from compression schemes and so on.

    Possibly if there were a way to have an uncompressed header, the musical part could be highly compressed and still work properly. Don't know what would be involved in compressing "part" of an audio file....


  6. #6

    Default Re: SynchroMuse/DAS issue

    Thank you Andy, for your timely response!

    I am a bit puzzled, but perhaps the next clue is in your answer:

    "The header is a bunch of 19.2khz bursts which need to be relatively untouched by from compression schemes and so on." (Andy on 2/10/10 12:55PM)

    Since the Synchromuse Tutorial guides the "tutee" to copy the header and paste it into the beginning of the sound file, and Audacity will change the copied header to the sampling rate and format of the sound file when pasted into it, this operation obviously "touches" the header data enough to make the resultant combined file unrecognizable (Session-wise) by the Prochyon.

    As I had mentioned in my previous post, when I did it the other-way-round (copied sound file and pasted it to the end of the header file), the Prochyon did indeed recognize the header, but the sound file portion was changed to the header's format and sampling rate and therefore the sound played at twice the speed.

    I will continue to "experiment" with different ways to accomplish the combination without compromising the header data and report back.

    In the meantime, it would be good to hear from anyone else who may have already conquered this.

    Thanks again for your assistance.


  7. Default Re: SynchroMuse/DAS issue


    I am wondering if I had the same issue as you I created a sm session and it worked fine through the run segment section but would not work in das mode.

    This is probably a bit drastic but I reflashed my Procyon so that it went back to 50 sessions then opened the sm session & made sure the header was intact because sometimes it looses track of the header and if you upload the session to your Procyon with no header it won't work.

    This was what was wrong with my track, I had uploaded the session with no header so I had to make sure the Procyon was back to factory before I re-uploaded the session making sure the header was in place and it worked.

    I tried to update without reflashing but it kept the file with no header on the device and this was the only way I could get it to work.

    I hope this makes sense, now I will not upload a session to my Procyon without checking the header first as sometimes it gets lost, but as long as you stick to the name you chose when you exported the raw file in the first place you don't have to re-attach the header to the audio file.

    I also found that when you paste the header into your audio file it helps if you zoom in and select about the same width as the raw header file in your audio file before you paste, this way all your flags don't get messed up.

    Last edited by psychosounds; 04-20-2010 at 03:12 PM. Reason: added a bit.

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