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Thread: i can slow down time !

  1. Default i can slow down time !

    hi all, when i have done a work out at the gym or if i have been working hard at work time slows down very slightly.
    it is basically when my adrenalin is pumping.
    i can tell time has slowed down for me by things like when i use my mobile phone the menu screen takes about 2 seconds longer to change than usual and many other things like that.
    time slows down between 1-2 seconds.
    does anyone know what is going on or of a website that can help me ?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: i can slow down time !

    You're kidding, right?

  3. Default

    no im not.
    im just looking for answers.

    i thought it was just normal, but when i mentioned it to work friends they said they have never experienced it.
    it has gone on for years but ive never thought much about it, tonight i did a google search and found this website to look for answers ,if anyone can point me in the right direction of another genuine website i would be greatfull.
    Last edited by Andy; 12-23-2008 at 07:31 AM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: i can slow down time !

    I'm sorry, I don't know of a web site that discusses such things, but perhaps someone else here does.

    Good luck!


  5. Default Re: i can slow down time !

    thanks for trying to help.
    i will surf abit more.
    but i suppose the only way i can prove it is doing some sort of test !

  6. #6
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    Default Re: i can slow down time !

    I suspect you'll find, with testing, that time is going along just as it always does and it is your perception thereof that is changing. This is a suspicion loaded with a great deal of hope, as I'm most uncomfortable with the idea of local situational time anomalies - remote ones are fine, but people just slipping in and out of time all over the place is plain messy!

    However, there was a documentary on television recently where they did some reasonably controlled testing of reaction times while under extreme duress and it was found that more information can be assimilated when the 'fight or flight' chemistry is active.

    Basically what they did was place the subject at the top of a high tower, clipped to a release mechanism, with a digital display flashing numbers on their wrist. The subjects could typically recall numbers flashed at a higher rate when they were falling than when they were 'just hanging around' at the top. This apparently ties in with the 'life flashing before you' thing under life-threatening circumstances and the slowing down of time and crystal clarity commonly described during accidents or battle.


  7. Default Re: i can slow down time !

    sorry i did mean my perception of time.
    i have also read that it can happen when people are scared but it happens to me just when my heart rate is high, i dont notice it everytime just sometimes.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: i can slow down time !

    It's an effect that is related to a hypnotic state. I'll write back in a short while and explain more about it.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  9. Default Re: i can slow down time !

    thanks, i havent been able to find much about it.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: i can slow down time !

    Quote Originally Posted by white.akita View Post
    hi all, when i have done a work out at the gym or if i have been working hard at work time slows down very slightly.
    it is basically when my adrenalin is pumping.
    i can tell time has slowed down for me by things like when i use my mobile phone the menu screen takes about 2 seconds longer to change than usual and many other things like that.
    time slows down between 1-2 seconds.
    does anyone know what is going on or of a website that can help me ?
    It sounds like there is a lag that is occurring between your eyes seeing something and your brain interpreting what you are seeing. This can appear as a time distortion.

    Does it only happen after a streneous work out or has it ever occurred at any other time?

    In the hypnotic sense, another thing that can be happening is that during your workout, you are putting yourself into a hypnotic state - which happens when we focus intently on something. Coming out of that state, after the work out, your brain may be adjusting to leaving that hypnotic state a little slower than usual and it is noticed as a time shift.

    Another possibility may be a medical condition. It could be something as simple as your work out causing your neurotransmitters levels to shift or it could be an indication of something more serious (see quote area below). It certainly is something that you should bring up with your doctor just in case it's a medical condition.

    "Investigators have long suspected, based on indirect evidence, that the basal ganglia might be involved in time perception. The basal ganglia have nerve cells that primarily contain the neurotransmitter, dopamine.
    Patients with Parkinson's disease have an abnormal reduction in dopamine within the basal ganglia and commonly experience problems with time perception. These difficulties partially improve when patients are administered a drug that increases dopamine levels in the brain.
    Defective time perception has also been observed in patients with Huntington's disease and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), two disorders commonly thought to have abnormal function within the basal ganglia. Animal studies have also demonstrated the importance of dopamine in timekeeping.

    Medical College researchers at Froedtert Hospital, a major teaching affiliate of the Medical College, are currently using this new neuroimaging procedure to better understand how the brain enables dopamine replacement drugs and methylphenidate (Ritalin) to normalize time perception in individuals with Parkinson's disease and ADHD, respectively. An additional study, in collaboration with investigators at the University of Iowa, will examine time perception in the early stages of Huntington's disease, prior to the development of the characteristic movement disorder. "
    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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