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Thread: Problems with Com Port

  1. Default Problems with Com Port

    Hello gang

    I wonder if you can help me. I am trying to use editor for the first time and create a simple programme going from 14-42hz.

    I downloaded editor and created a couple of segments. However when i click 'run segment' it comesup with 'the serial port is not open. do you want to open it?' I click yes and it comes up with the same. I have tried both available ports Com 1 and 3 in the editor but it asks the same question and nothng runs through my procyon.

    Any ideas? I think my USB connection isn't set up properly with the Procyon but not sure why tbh.

    Knowing me its probably something silly, im not good with all this techie stuff!

    Thanks, Jamie

  2. Default Re: Problems with Com Port

    I should add that when I connect the procyon USB to my pc rather than make one beep it makes two, and is not listed on my pc. In other words, it doesn't appear to register or know the Procyon is connected.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Problems with Com Port

    Hi Jamie,

    The Procyon is quite fussy about how its drivers are installed.

    My suggestion at this stage would be that you uninstall whatever you've installed, including using control panel to remove the drivers, then follow the installation instructions absolutely exactly, particularly the part about loading the drivers before plugging in the Procyon.

    If you're using Vista, you'll see a post up in the pinned section that explains all.

    Also note that there are two versions of the Procyon using different drivers - very important!

    If all that fails, give another yell and I'm sure Andy will come to your rescue


  4. Default Re: Problems with Com Port


    Thanks for your help. I have removed the drivers and will start again, tomorrow now, its late here. Thanks for your help

    Cheers, Jamie

  5. #5

    Default Re: Problems with Com Port

    I am also having similar problems.

    I am a long time (+5 years) Proteus user (currently upgraded to version 2.7, no problems) and have used the session editor/upgrader quite a bit. I also have the ThroughtSteam and Mental Games. I have really enjoyed all these a lot.

    I also use NP2 and together with my Proteus, it's been great.

    I just got my new Procyon today (rev 2, system 2.1) and tried loading the current support webpage 2.1 software and followed the instructions. I intended to upgrade this to the latest 2.201 sofware after this.

    After installing I plugged my Procyon to my PC (Widows XP) and it could not find any drivers and could not install this device.

    When I call up the program it seems to want to connect to port#5 instead of Port #4 which I'm hooked up to. So I get the usual cannot connect messages.

    I'm not sure what the problem is? Maybe I'm missing a few drivers. or maybe my Proteus drivers are over-ridding them (I use a com #2 port for them). I tried using these comm ports but it did not make any difference.

    I'm sure there is an easy fix so please let me know. Thanks.

    Best regards,
    Tom C

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Problems with Com Port

    Hi Tom;

    These instructions are for Vista, but other than some slightly different screens that come up, the procedure should work for XP.

    Let us know if that fixes the problem.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Problems with Com Port

    Thanks Andy, that seemed to do the trick! I was then able to update my OS to the new 2.2.02 editor and all seems to work fine. You cannot select other com ports, the OS seems to do this itself, and seems fine.

    I see that there is a new AS analog feature but I don't quite understand what this is actually for, or how to use it. Maybe it is for NP2 AS sessions? Your update note says there will be instructions for this but I cannot find any (except for the new key functions, which I have printed out). Maybe you could help explain this a bit more or point me to the right thread.

    Thanks for your help.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Problems with Com Port

    That's great, Tom!

    Here's some info created by Jim that will assist in understanding the Analog AS mode. It's geared towards NP2 usage.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Problems with Com Port

    Thanks Andy, that's great info, just what I was after.

    I've only played a few sessions with my new Procyon and so far I really like it. Those new glasses really give you a great light show and I personally find them bright enough. I ordered a lightframe adapter from you yesterday so I can try using my Proteus glasses, esp. my white light glasses which seem to work best with NP2 AS sessions. Also, the sound quality during built-in sessions is much better than the Proteus.

    Only very minor complaint is the lack of a User Mode. I really like this mode on my Proteus. With the better quality light/sound it would be nice to have this feature including the current proteus light flashing options (and tone freq) and also an option to turn on/off each color while running the User mode. Maybe you will include this in a future OS release?

    Overall, I'm very happy with my new toy so far. Thanks for your help and support.

    Best cheers,
    Last edited by TomC; 11-06-2008 at 10:46 AM.

  10. Default Re: Problems with Com Port

    Dear Andy

    I followed the instructions you gave

    But when I got to no. 6, and plugged in my Procyon, the computer simply makes the double noise when you plug in a USB but doesn't register it at all. I went into my computer and it doesn't even register that any USB is plugged in.

    Very strange and disappointing. Any ideas? Is there a manual way to get the computer to register the USB?

    Cheers, Jamie

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