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Thread: 2.2.02 editor bug

  1. #1

    Default 2.2.02 editor bug

    Little bug in the editor:

    Clicking in the timeframe box -> sliding the slider -> reclicking in the timeframe box = type mismatch error & plouffff

    Only happens here, the other boxes seem to have been foolproofed.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: 2.2.02 editor bug

    Quote Originally Posted by Half-Dead View Post
    Little bug in the editor:

    Clicking in the timeframe box -> sliding the slider -> reclicking in the timeframe box = type mismatch error & plouffff

    Only happens here, the other boxes seem to have been foolproofed.

    Timeframe Box?

    You mean the "Segment Time" box or something else?


  3. #3

    Default Re: 2.2.02 editor bug

    I meant the box where you adjust the duration of the segment.

    Also if you type 100.5 (or similar) into the pitch value for the audio frequency, the same will happen, however 100,5 won't crash it, just round it off.

    btw is it normal that the minimum audio pitch is limited to 60hz, or is this a glitch in the latest OS?


  4. #4
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    Default Re: 2.2.02 editor bug


    None of these things crash the program on my PC.

    Can anyone else confirm this problem?


  5. #5

    Default Re: 2.2.02 editor bug

    Everything seems to be working fine on my end. Running Vista Business OS.

    The "," versus "." thing seems like a regional setting for decimal point--do you use "," for the radix point? I've tried both with my editor (same version) and they give identical results.


  6. #6

    Default Re: 2.2.02 editor bug

    I found the bug for the "Pitch" and "Volume" text boxes.

    "KIDS! Don't try this at home!"
    If you click on a "Pitch" or "Volume" text box and enter a non-numeric value ("abc" for example), then move the mouse over the box it causes the unhandled 'Type mismatch' error... and plouffff.

    Not sure about the "Segment Time" click -> Slider move -> "Segment Time" click bug.
    Half_Dead, I assume you are using a PC that uses the comma as a decimal seperator?
    What string appears in the "Segment Time" box before you click it a second time?


  7. #7

    Default Re: 2.2.02 editor bug

    Your right, the time segment shows something like: 0:25,3,0

    BTW, i'm in France, and thousands separator is (a space) and the decimal separator is ,
    as is in 37 other countries (this exact combination "space/comma")

    However, comma only as radix is more used in the world than is the dot:

    Had same problem before with another program here:

    Not a real biggie in anyway, just thought i'd mention it so it gets into the next update of the program
    Last edited by Half-Dead; 09-26-2008 at 08:10 AM.

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