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Thread: Strange open eye hallucination after session

  1. #1

    Default Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Last week I used my Kasina system at night before going to sleep. Using the provided glasses (not deepvision), I spent about 45 minutes meditating with my eyes closed. I don't remember the exact sessions that I used, but they were some of the Mind Art ones I believe. After finishing the sessions, I took off my glasses and relaxed in bed with the lights turned down very low. A few moments later, I noticed that there was smoke or vapor rising off of my blanket. It was hyper realistic and almost appeared as steam. I lifted up my hand and saw that there was steam also rising from my fingertips. It looked completely real, it was shaped and moved exactly like vapor should. Looking at the middle knuckle on my middle finger I saw something even more bizarre. The crease in the skin on my knuckle began to open up like a mouth. As the mouth opened, it spit out a small puff of smoke, then closed. Every few seconds it would repeat this process of spitting out smoke. Surprised by what I was seeing, I went downstairs and saw that the plant in my living room also had vapor rising off of it. This experience lasted for about 20 minutes, then faded away.

    As I thought about it, I wonder if I was in some kind of lucid dreaming state while simultaneously being completely awake. A waking dream. Since then, I have tried this again and the same phenomena occurs. After a 30-60 minute session at night I can see the same smoke appear. Thoughts?

  2. Default Re: Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Keep exploring this. Try to manipulate this steam with your mind, make it change color or go a certain direction. My immediate assumption is that this steam you are witnessing is life force energy (aura). Very interesting, nevertheless. If you can somehow recreate the scenario and "work with it," who knows what you can DO with it? I personally have never experienced this, but I do "feel" energy around my body like it's static electricity or pockets of heat moving back and forth over my shins and feet. I wish I had visuals like the one you are describing.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Definitely the first time I've heard of this sort of after-effect before! Lucid dreaming could be one answer, or maybe you could visualize energy as Richard suggested. I do experience some slight visual after-effects from a session, like a slight swirling of my visual field, but it lasts just a few seconds. Your description would make a great scene in the right sort of movie... let us know if anything like that happens again, please!

  4. Default Re: Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Do you smoke or vape?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Austin View Post
    let us know if anything like that happens again, please!
    Hi, I have been able to replicate this effect consistently. If I do a longer session (30-40), the smoke/vapor appears without fail. The longer the session, the more vivid the hallucination

  6. #6

    Default Re: Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Maj View Post
    If you can somehow recreate the scenario and "work with it," who knows what you can DO with it?
    I have been able to replicate it, but I cannot figure out any meaningful way to work with it. I have tried to manipulate it with my mind, i.e. change the color or direction, but have not been successful. This is not completely accurate because sometimes the vapor appears to react to me blowing on it. if I have also tried to conjure other visual hallucinations by force of will, but have not been able to do so. I wish I knew what was happening and if it leads anywhere.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Quote Originally Posted by Neel View Post
    Do you smoke or vape?
    I do vape nicotine, why do you ask?

  8. Default Re: Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Can you list the session you are using ?
    I'm not smoking btw lol

  9. #9

    Default Re: Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastiii View Post
    Can you list the session you are using ?
    I'm not smoking btw lol
    Honestly it happens with almost all the sessions. It has to be a long session and it has to be night (as the hynogogia is easier to produce). Also, I do it in my bedroom which is very dark, with a dimmed lamp that is the equivalent of a candles light. The last time it happened was with the "Relaxation by fire" session which is in the Meditate folder.

  10. Default Re: Strange open eye hallucination after session

    Thanks @Winder.
    I have tried this session this night but nothing appear

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