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Thread: How Our Mind Works

  1. #21

    Default Re: How Our Mind Works

    Dear Forum,
    Regarding about mind philosophy I still struggling about Monism and Dualism. It does not bother me a lot. I can live with or without that doubt but it can be a part of our believes therefore which approach works best sometimes depend of my sense of humour.


  2. #22

    Default Re: How Our Mind Works

    Hi Dear,
    How are you doing. Which specific Belief Paraliminal you used with Session 33 Procyon? And how you play with Procyon. Please let me know.
    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post
    I've been slipping into trances and alternate states for a while now and my intuition has improved allot so I am sure of what i am experiencing. I am at peace with my orientation , but im aware that my soul is more female than male. I have been more female in my past lives.

    Thank you for the excersize you gave me. But I figured it out using the beleif paraliminal with session 33 procyon. This worked so well and amazingly fast and got rid of something that was bugging me for over 6 months!!! I'm still totally WTF about it.

    I also previously did the dissasociation excersize with the cinema (NLP) and it did not work.

    The CD directed me to the origin of the beleif, and enabled me to create the strengths and beleif to overcome it. I turned my beleif around. 'nobody has power over me'. Now the thought doesn't bother me at all and I hardly get junk memories of people in the past, Im still at loss for words because I have been seeing my healer for months and we hadn't tackled this problem.

    I have to post the link again. I am at a loss of words how effective it was.

    I got it from Bill Harris through holosync, hence the special offer.

    Thanks for your help and feedback.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    S.W. Ohio U.S.A.

    Default Re: How Our Mind Works

    Just found this site a day or two ago, this thread, wow. The first three posts "How Our Mind Works" , 'The Difference between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind" and "Things to Know about Yourself and Others"... loved them because they ring so true to our experience.


  4. #24
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    Default Re: How Our Mind Works

    Glad you found them useful! Marisa's a pretty smart cookie! ;-)

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Burbs of Philadelphia

    Default Re: How Our Mind Works

    Quote Originally Posted by lilylily608 View Post
    I agree. it's intersting!
    Right with you. Just finished reading this post. Thank you for all of this great information. It's greatly appreciated.


  6. Default Re: How Our Mind Works

    Yes, I have heard this for years now, but trying to place it in to my thinking pattern has been a long haul, self hypnosis is the best way for me to accept & remember.

  7. Default Subconscious powers

    Its quite interesting to find these information about How our mind works, Our subconscious mind can store information for years. I watch movies which i have watched like 5 years ago but i still remember that what's going to happen next in that movie. I found some interesting articles about Subconscious powers and Law of Attraction, i found it useful in providing insights into our subconscious mind, I promise it won't disappoint you.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Re: The Difference between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind

    Excellent thought, how do I get in touch with my unconscious mind? Curious

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Arrow Re: The Difference between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind

    Excellent summation, but is the thoughts in our mind spiritual giving us our spirituality? It is said we are a spirit living in a human body. What I see I understand, except for hearing my thoughts in my mind, which I want to believe is spiritual. Curious

  10. #30
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    Default Re: How Our Mind Works

    No, the thoughts aren't spiritual, or seemingly they are not, because damage to brain regions can affect one's ability to think or certainly express what they think. Witness the effects of Alzheimer's disease for instance. And many of our thoughts are related to physical maintenance or reaction to our environment, so those are not spiritual either. However, it can be worth asking what is the origin of certain categories of transcendental thoughts? Like creativity and artistic expression. What is inspiration?

    Still, even then, those thoughts are expressed through the body and most certainly the brain. Spirit as a model helps one to address the innate fear of death or dissolution. It is a useful concept for this purpose. Probably this is what you are grappling with?
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

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