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Thread: lucidity

  1. Default lucidity

    Has anyone used the material from

  2. Default Re: lucidity

    Well I checked out the kit, at
    1. seven day book- it will give you tips and tricks- too bad you couldn't buy it seperately....
    2. audio stimulation cd- uses binary beats (your L&S machine can achieve this-i like session 2,& night voyage sessions)
    3. dream log- notebook & pen will do(on nightstand)write down any & all dreams you remember as soon as you wake with as much detail as possible.
    4. reality prompter-trigger, I've listed one down below
    5. screensaver- it would seem the L&S machine would suffice.

    Before you let the money fly out of your pocket. I may be able to give you a few tips,

    I have been dreaming lucidly for years. And he is right it about a shift in perpective, BUT!_ regardless of what anyone says, it DOES take practice.

    Even after doing this for years I don't always achieve lucidity due to lack of mindfullness, at times- choice, and the need to give your mind and body breaks-give it the rest it needs.
    I will tell you this, after years of practice and am able to put my self if the dream state with in minutes, and able to induce a lucid dream in what I think is called the twilight stage of sleep(that tiny gap between waking and sleeping)could be wrong about the actual timing, then again I am half asleep!

    Without going into explicit detail, let me give you a trick I learn from the buddhists(which are huge fans of lucid dreaming), I had a lucid dream the same night I discovered this, whether u do or not, I can't promise...........

    Become conscious of your hands. make an effort to become aware of your hands, what they are doing, or what you are doing with them, throughout the day. while looking at your hands simply state to yourself, outloud or quietly, 'tonight I will look at my hands while I am dreaming and I will realize I am dreaming'. Make that general statement, better yet create your own statement using the concept, use it as much as possible throughout the day, be sure to take some time right before bed to be fully aware of your hands. as you're are falling asleep concentrate on your hands, do any breathing technique that helps clear your mind of all eother thought except your 'statement' regarding your hands.

    This is called a trigger. I have found that hands are the best trigger because that are attached to your body, dreaming or not....LOL

    Try this first, let me know how it goes, if you are interested in more tips post here.
    HINT: the harder you try to achieved lucidity the more you work against it.

    BE FOREWARNED!!!!!! lucid dreaming is an extremely profound and exilirating emotional experience! If you don't keep a balanced perspective on it you could find yourself getting addicted and put yourself on an emotional roller coaster ride....

    Monique- Good Luck and have fun! Next posting I'll teach you a trick to keep lucid and how to know if you are 'falling out' of lucidty.....

    P/S- if you really want to buy the kit, see if anyone has a used kit on sale at amazon or e-bay.
    Last edited by pianissimo69; 05-04-2007 at 04:11 AM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: lucidity

    Hi Pianissimo,

    Become conscious of your hands. make an effort to become aware of your hands, what they are doing, or what you are doing with them, throughout the day. while looking at your hands simply state to yourself, out loud or quietly, 'tonight I will look at my hands while I am dreaming and I will realize I am dreaming'.
    I became aware of this technique a few years ago through a Carlos Castaneda book. It's interesting that this is also a Buddhist technique - in particular, looking at the hands. Perhaps this is where Carlos got the idea.

    Regardless, it is a good technique although I do find it difficult to remember to look at my hands. One thing that I can easily do is change my dream when I don't like what's happening. I can't always do it at the time but after the dream incident, I am lucid enough to think - "Hey wait a minute, I can change this outcome" and then rewind the dream and replay it the way I want to. All while still asleep and yet looking at my hand ... still difficult. LOL Go figure.


  4. Default Re: lucidity

    Yeah - I got the hand technique from a Carlos Castaneda book as well.

    It never worked for me back then but maybe I should try it again. In a recent course I'm doing the technique came up again when someone said to write something on your hand and look at it many times during the day (whenever you think of it - look at it).

    The idea being that it starts to become a program that is repeated by the subconscious when you're asleep.

    Of course, you have to link looking at your hands with the realisation that it is just a dream. But as stated, if you repeat the line that this is just a dream every time you look it should work.

    I think I'll revive that practice myself.


  5. Default Re: lucidity

    Marisa, I was just thinking that you could probably help the process along - regarding looking at your hands in a dream.

    You could set up a suggestion through scripting that you will look at your hands that night when you're dreaming and make it a trigger to the awareness that you are in fact dreaming in the same session.

    That's not to say that you don't use the existing approach - I was thinking it would make a good combination approach to help ensure success.


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