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Thread: (Idea) - Vibrating Matt for light and sound machines.

  1. #1

    Default (Idea) - Vibrating Matt for light and sound machines.

    Hi Everybody

    Just wanted to share an idea with everyone.
    How about a vibrating matt that you lay on that vibrates to the frequency of the glasses!

    Since 2 of the 5 senses, SIGHT (light) & HEARING (sound) stimulates the brain to the desired frequences, why not add a 3rd, TOUCH !

    I was toying with the idea as I seem to have become very resistant to light and sound machines (seemingly). In the past the Mindlab (predecessor to Proteus - I believe) used to work on me like a charm.

    I will update this post if any backyard mechanics yields anything.

    Feel free to toss around ideas.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: (Idea) - Vibrating Matt for light and sound machines.

    Hello Beamer

    Quote Originally Posted by Beamer View Post
    Hi Everybody

    Just wanted to share an idea with everyone.
    How about a vibrating matt that you lay on that vibrates to the frequency of the glasses!

    Since 2 of the 5 senses, SIGHT (light) & HEARING (sound) stimulates the brain to the desired frequencies, why not add a 3rd, TOUCH !
    It's an interesting idea, though I'm wondering if it is possible to affect brain waves via touch (vibrations). I have never come across any research that supports the possibility of brain waves being affected by touch (vibrations) - but that doesn't mean such research doesn't exist. Have you come across anything that would support this theory? Anyone?

    I was toying with the idea as I seem to have become very resistant to light and sound machines (seemingly). In the past the Mindlab (predecessor to Proteus - I believe) used to work on me like a charm.
    Hmmm I'm wondering what specifically you mean by the word "resistant"? Are you meaning that you were not getting the desired effects? If so, what outcome were you trying to achieve? How do you know that it wasn't working? I'd like to rule out if there were other extenuating circumstances that prevented you from achieving your goal.

    Then again, since you are not having the problem with the Proteus ... perhaps the problem has been solved by using a better machine.


  3. #3

    Default Re: (Idea) - Vibrating Matt for light and sound machines.

    I have no research or theory if this would work, but will look into it.

    My starting point would be researching Haptic technology, which is the vibration technology used in mobile phones and video game controllers.
    I suspect the frequency that they vibrate at is specific to grab the attention of the user, as personally I feel a bit alarm (and traumatized) when my phone goes off. This to me indicates the possiblity that the brain response to frequency - yet to be proven.

    Will post when I have more info.


    That's right - I am not getting the desired effects that I was expecting, but I believe this is not due to the Proteus.
    I originally used the Mindlab about 10 years ago and had a different, more intense experiences
    In particular, the point at which I would register that my mind was about to shut off, the experience would be ringing in my ears (which when I would focus on the ringing sound would assist in my 'going under' experience), which is something I don't experience now.
    Between then and now I have had a long run in with anxiety, depression and a nervous breakdown, which I attribute to my 'resistance' to the Proteus.
    This I would like to cover this in a different thread that I will eventually create that I'd like to deal with practices that assist session experiences (e.g taking warm baths, negative ion generators, room temperature e.t.c).

    What I am trying to achieve is better sleep & lucid dreaming. Later I would like to work on intellect enhancements like speed reading, better memory & enchanced learining - but the priority is to sleep.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: (Idea) - Vibrating Matt for light and sound machines.

    Hi Beamer,

    Quote Originally Posted by Beamer View Post
    I have no research or theory if this would work, but will look into it.

    You may want to focus some of your attention on how the different frequencies in the brain work. This may better help you to understand how different things affect the brain and it's frequencies.

    My starting point would be researching Haptic technology, which is the vibration technology used in mobile phones and video game controllers.
    I was thinking more along the line of you doing research into finding out if brainwaves could be influenced by vibrations to different parts of the body. Getting something to vibrate is the easy part. There are already mats on the market that vibrate - they are the massage pads or mattresses. I have no idea what frequency they would vibrate at - though I suppose someone could measure it.

    I suspect the frequency that they vibrate at is specific to grab the attention of the user, as personally I feel a bit alarm (and traumatized) when my phone goes off. This to me indicates the possiblity that the brain response to frequency - yet to be proven.
    No, I think that has more to do with the person being startled. It activates the part of your brain called the "Reticular Activating System" which triggers the release of neurotransmitters such as neuroadrenaline. In simpler language, being startled activates the "fight or flight response".

    Brain wave frequencies in the High Beta can also activate the brain but you don't want to expose yourself to these frequencies for more than a few minutes because it can put you into an anxious state.

    Between then and now I have had a long run in with anxiety, depression and a nervous breakdown, which I attribute to my 'resistance' to the Proteus.
    Actually, those symptoms that you talk about may be helped by choosing programs that are more "Alpha" based which targets the range of 8 - 11 Hz. Some research also claims that SMR (12-15 Hz) is also helpful for treating mood difficulties.

    This I would like to cover this in a different thread that I will eventually create that I'd like to deal with practices that assist session experiences (e.g taking warm baths, negative ion generators, room temperature e.t.c).
    Go ahead and create the new thread. Do it under "The Mind Place" category:
    I'd love to participate in the discussion as many people have the same challenges that you do and would benefit from this kind of discussion.

    What I am trying to achieve is better sleep & lucid dreaming. Later I would like to work on intellect enhancements like speed reading, better memory & enchanced learining - but the priority is to sleep.
    The programs that are most helpful for this are P43 - 47.

    Another trick which is really powerful is to practice slowing down the speed of your self talk when you are in bed. This is a technique that teaches you how to slow your mind down so that it get into a more relaxed state. It's like turning the dial of your speed of speech so that it gets slower and s-l-o-w-e-r .

    After a session on the light and sound machine, you may want to listen to a relaxing cd, such as "Solitudes - Sound of the Surf" and listen to that as you fall asleep.

    Try it and let me know how it works for you.


  5. Default Re: (Idea) - Vibrating Matt for light and sound machines.

    Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread, but I did come across a vibrating mat type technology while looking at various machines. The mat vibrated with sound frequencies or some such. There's even a name for the concept - I think it's called vibroacoustic.

    You may even be able to control some of these types of devices with the sound coming from the headphones of a light & sound device, but they would probably have to have some sort of amplification system to do so.

    Somewhere I saw some sort of pillow device based on this technology that was fairly inexpensive, but I don't know where I saw it unfortunately.


  6. Default Re: (Idea) - Vibrating Matt for light and sound machines.

    By the way - I like how the original poster is thinking.
    I too have been thinking that sight and sound may be able to be combined with other senses. That's what made me notice this pillow device in the first place and it also makes me think about the benefits of burning incense or something during a session to activate the sense of smell too.

    I know in the past, just with a New Age tape cassette and incense burning on my bedside table I've experienced interesting shifts in consciousness. I didn't really explore it too deeply though.

    Incense may be too heavy, but there's absolutely no reason you can't mix some basic aromatherapy of some kind while using a light and sound device.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: (Idea) - Vibrating Matt for light and sound machines.

    Quote Originally Posted by caleb View Post
    Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread, but I did come across a vibrating mat type technology while looking at various machines. The mat vibrated with sound frequencies or some such. There's even a name for the concept - I think it's called vibroacoustic.
    I came across the website for the place you're thinking of - quite by accident, as I was looking for something else. He does talk about using it with the Proteus too.

  8. Default Re: (Idea) - Vibrating Matt for light and sound machines.

    I regularly listen to my Audiostrobe CD's through a big stereo with sub woofer, instead of headphones. I use a lead from the `tape out' jacks on the amp to feed the Audio Strobe signal to my Proteus or Procyon, but the CD is going straight from the DVD player into the amp so the signal is really clear . Technically , I may be able to chain the headpohone output of the Proteus into the audio in on the Procyon to trigger AS in the Procyon at the same time for shared experience, but I'm not sure if the 19khz Audiostrobe info will carry over the headphone out of the Proteus, I must try it out.

    I don't know if what I'm do qualifies as vibra- accoustics, but I know when I'm listening and `watching' some Audiostrobe encoded music of Tibettan bowls and Quartz crystal bowls with the Hi Fi and Sub woofer up loud enough the experience is very physical and sublime . Add a warm fire and your favorite incense and you can really 'go places'
    Last edited by synaesthesia; 04-17-2008 at 07:37 PM.

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