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Thread: Color Organ Tracks

  1. #11

    Default Re: Color Organ Tracks

    Thanks all, for the suggestions, lots of 'new' music for me to catch up with, as well. I have a large collection of ambient electronic music myself, not so much recent material, and there may be a way to update the Kasina in the future to flicker adequately while the ColorOrgan controls the color mix...

    In-a-gadda-da-vida... we came close to licensing this from Rhino Records and converting to audiostrobe back in the 90s, maybe time to consider that again. The nice thing about licensing older music is the costs start becoming more reasonable. Anyway, that drum solo would surely be an interesting trip with the ColorOrgan, think I'll check that out over the weekend. And Pink Floyd's 'Last Days of Pompeii' remains one of my favorite music DVDs, they were definitely at their prime then.

  2. Default Re: Color Organ Tracks

    This is a great thread,cool to see enthusiasm for psytrance and Psybient music which i enjoy nonstop! Some of my favorites currently are Cabieri ,eastern sun,AES Dana, Bird of Prey, Desert Dwellers,Koan,and shpongle which is on tour now with some awesome lights and visuals by Zebler. It is awesome to see the light grow into a synthesia with music and the world of psytrance! Thank you all for this awesome community on this forum of brain entrainment.

  3. Default Favourite tracks for Colour Organ mode

    I bow to you, I am unworthy!

    I just played around with the Colour Organ mode by throwing some of my favourite tracks onto the Kasina memory card. I had a lot of fun but probably won't get much sleep tonight as I'm completely light-overdosed now ;-)

    Mike Oldfield - "Arrival" and Massive Attack - "Girl I Love You" look really nice and are enjoyable.
    But Muse - "Madness" is a total winner, throwing out showers of endorphine, and Paul van Dyk's "Crush" honestly feels as if it was programmed for the device - starts mellow for the first minute with some green/blue and then explodes into fountains of warm red.

    Really impressed here :-)
    So wondering if any of you have discovered some tracks that work miraculously well on Colour Organ mode.

    I used Audacity to transform my Apple files into MP3s - for some reason, three of them don't work, even though they were generated just like the others (Kasina Firmware 1.17). Happy to send one of the troublemakers over if you want to check this out.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Tripping the Light Fantastic
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    Default Re: Color Organ Tracks

    Super fun, right? The Color Organ and DV glasses can be amazing. It adds a whole new dimension to music. The best tracks for the CO have some percussion in them. The cymbals (high frequencies) trigger the reds. When they are clean and crisp they can create nice stimulation tracks. Hihats are often played as 8th or 16th notes in relation to the music and their speed can fall into the theta range and for faster music, alpha.

    What is good to look for and can be challenging to find is rhythmic music that is relaxing or ethereal is some way. That is why we talk a lot about psyambient or trance tracks. That kind of spacey electronic music has the blissful characteristics which work well. World music with percussion also works.

    Please share other tracks that you like.

    Keep in mind that you can stream music from your computer to the Kasina by USB or with a smartphone through an 3.5mm audio cable. Thus, you can use services like YouTube, Soundcloud, Amazon Prime Music, Spotify, etc to find good tracks. Then transfer the best ones to the card.

    When you encoded mp3 files be sure you are using CBR (constant bit rate) for the encoding and not VBR (variable bit rate) This might be why some of your tracks aren't playing. Do you get any error or do they just not play or show up?

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  5. Default Re: Color Organ Tracks

    Hi Scott,

    thanks for giving my isolated orphan post a new home ;-)

    Regarding the "streaming through computer" - I did that at the beginning and later on to test new tracks - but all of them happened to be below par. Then I suspected that for some reason KASINA may prefer titles on the SD card, and indeed - the results were far superior! So to anyone out there who hasn't found this feature intriguing yet, just try and move some files over to the card and give it a try. (BTW, volume level output on my computer was on maximum, so too low signal didn't seem to be the problem - but then, in Europe, volume levels are restricted in gadgets, so this may not be an issue in the U.S.)

    Thanks for the tip regarding CBR and VBR - I will make sure to only encode in CBR for KASINA purposes in the future. That said, I checked the tracks that put me under the endorphine spell yesterday, and some of them are encoded via VBR! On the other side, some of the new CBR tracks aren't working. The error message is always "unsupported file format".

    Best regards

  6. #16

    Default Re: Color Organ Tracks

    @ Mike:

    The AUX Volume is set to 7 by default. You will Need to go to Settings > Audio Settings and turn the AUX Volume up to 10. This will cause that Audio material which is being streamed via AUX port is being percieved significantly louder by the KASINA - which again lets the KASINA Color Organ respond more sensitive to your music and generate brighter light patterns. Same true for AS and SS files being streamed via AUX port. Those need a higher AUX volume as well for recognizing the AS/SS Trigger signals more sensitively and thus generating brighter visuals. The AUX Volume default setting of 7 actually makes more sense for use of Audio material with KBS Sessions.

    All the best
    - Surfing on the brainwaves -

  7. Default Re: Color Organ Tracks

    Thanks for the additional info, Claudius :-)

    Scott turned out to be correct regarding VBR files causing the problem - while the troublemakers were encoded via Audacity as MP3 CBR, I had used itunes files as sources - which turned out to be VBR when I checked those encoding options today. So I re-sourced these songs from my original CDs, importing them straight to CBR format, and they all work perfectly now.

    Checking out some of the psytrance references here :-) and discovered my favourite track ever works fine as well - Radiohead's "Pyramid Song". Cymbals kick in in the second half, providing me with my beloved showers of red.

    Thanks all for your input - love this community!

  8. Default Re: Color Organ Tracks

    Cowgirl by Underworld is big fun, too :-)

    Some tracks lead to a wide chaotic explosion on all channels throughout the track, which I don't find overly exciting and whixh seems to habituate quickly. Sometimes though, the music accidentially is produced in a way that hits the right notes to provide some kind of structure with regards to the light show.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Color Organ Tracks

    You might want to play with EQ settings on your music. They can affect the color organ output quite a lot.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  10. Default Re: Color Organ Tracks

    Thank you Scott, hadn't even thought of EQ manipulation - will give that a try when I'm playing around with this feature next time :-)
    Mostly though, I'm using AUX only to explore whether tracks work well - and put my favorites directly on the MicroSD card of the KASINA as I like the mobility aspect a lot.

    On that note, two more recommendations that I deemed worthy to be included in my KASINA memory card ;-)

    - Steve Roach: Depart at sunrise (from the excellent The Road Eternal album)
    - Chemical Brothers: Snow

    Both start out in blue and green, and only later become more rhythmic and explore the warm color palette.

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