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Thread: Exporting Procyon Sessions?

  1. #1

    Default Exporting Procyon Sessions?


    Since the Procyon Editor is required for optimal customization of the visuals (i.e. independent control of the 3 color channels separately vs the more limited 2 channel AudioStrobe), is there a way to export a session file to an audio format (MP3 or WAV probably) that maintains the binaurals and visual signals, so that a session with other content (i.e. accompanying background audio tracks, affirmations, white noise, etc) can be added in NeuroProgrammer or Mind Workstation? The ultimate goal is to have one finalized session file that has all the data in it (albeit even if it has to be on a CD or MP3 player) to connect to the Procyon by AUX cable.

    It's a frustrating toss up: I find Transparent's software appears to be more user friendly with the bonus of being able to import other content (sound, biofeedback, etc), but it can not customize the Procyon's 3 color channels separately. The Procyon Editor can make gorgeous visual displays, but lacks the ability to incorporate the other content. And I'd rather not go into the option of Synchromuse as it is too tedious to create, especially when the technology has since improved with the Kasina to be able to do separate 3 color channel editing in NP and MWS. However with the Kasina, the visuals, although stunning, are just not the same as they are in the Procyon (UGH! Seriously, I can not win!)

    So then there are the options I considered:
    1) Maybe technology has improved now that Transparent could integrate 3-color editing for the Procyon. (Not sure if it's worth asking them again, as they probably would have provided this by now if they could, but now, even if they could, I doubt they would bother now that SpectraStrobe is available).
    2) Upgrade the Procyon software so that it can utilize SpectraStrobe, which looks promising as the new standard for 3-color visuals (I wish, but I'm sure that would not be possible, or at least it would probably be too difficult - but I thought I'd throw it out there).
    3) Stick with AudioStrobe, as all the editors and devices can use it, and ignore the better color potential that the Procyon has. (I can't fully knock this option, as it functionally would work, but seriously, why are we investing in these more modern mind machines if we stick with old technology that limits its utilization?)
    4) Modify the current Procyon editing software to allow integration of sound files, and since these can not be imported into the Procyon device, allow the export of sessions as audio files. (Would this even be possible?)

    Just brainstorming since I took the Procyon out of storage (I think I am already going through Kasina withdrawal as I shipped it back today to try to fix a cosmetically offset/separating faceplate). I'm sure other users would agree that the Procyon can not be fully replaced, as its visuals clearly have a different look to them (not sure if this has anything to do with the additional DC offset and duty cycle customizable settings in the editor, or some other factor). The unique appeal of this device is enough reason to try to re-explore options to expand its potential.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Exporting Procyon Sessions?

    The Procyon still has a very unique place in the ecosystem. I have stated elsewhere and from your post would say you read it but the Procyon has a crisp, 'digital' type display which is a good thing especially for fast frequencies. The Kasina is more 'organic' which is a good thing for spacing out and meditation. The KBS format does deliver really crisp visuals but the Procyon and the Proteus/Sirius still have neat and usable characteristics.

    There was another engineer on the Procyon/Proteus that has moved on but I have spent over a year decoding and deconstructing the formats... so the best I can say is the hardest parts there are done. Updates are coming. There is only so much we can do with the hardware but software on the other hand...

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Exporting Procyon Sessions?

    Hey Bambilina,

    I also want to say that some of the differences between the machines comes from the 'style' of editing interfaces. While we admit that the Procyon editor is primitive in looks and needs/will be updated, it exposes a lot of really powerful parameters that make for 'happy accidents' which are easily reproducible once discovered. The timeline editing style of Mind Workstation requires a bit more knowledge and tricks. It is great for exact structured sessions... but complex visuals require more work. So, some of it as with anything is building a knowledge base and repertoire.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Exporting Procyon Sessions?

    Thanks Scott, I knew you'd be all over this!

    I didn't remember how the differences between both devices' visuals were described, but I would definitely agree with your assessment. The more "digital" mandala imagery on the Procyon had been so crisp, that I initially felt I had been short changed on the Kasina (but quickly embraced the difference, as the more "organic" visuals have been well-suited for meditation). I think I have been quickly spoiled by how much I have been able to explore with the software for the Kasina in the brief time I've had it. Despite this, I still crave the more vividly colorful visuals on the Procyon, enough for me to re-skim through all the forum posts since the Procyon Forum was started (revisiting the whole Presage anticipation saga in the process, hehe) to see if I missed any new details with respect to easier editing software to maximize customization of the 3 colors, with the ability to integrate other content into the sessions. Although hardware is limited, like you said, there is potential in software, so I will be eagerly looking forward to any upcoming updates. As always, your work is amazing!

  5. #5
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    Thank you very much! I can tell that you are very experienced with AVS machines and notice the subtle differences. Each machine has a personality due to well, who the heck knows what exactly Just the particular configuration of converter chips and master controllers... and programming styles, formats. The Procyon is purely 'numbers' which magically interact. Whereas the SpectraStrobe format does its magic by 'tracking' frequencies, smoothing the modulation and locking on so to speak. So, this accounts a bit for the difference.

    I have grown to love every machine I have (except for PSIO... which is so handicapped). Each one has a unique feel to it once you really dig in.

    BTW, on software I am not talking a long way off either...
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Exporting Procyon Sessions?

    Thanks for your thoughtful comments and observations... the Procyon and Kasina design methodologies are really quite different; the Procyon was an evolutionary development from the Proteus, with a strong focus on the visual effects engine and its possibilities. Because it has such a fast visual waveform sample rate, it can produce the crispest visuals currently available on any platform, aside from very expensive lab-centric gear. Procyon is a great choice for serious experimentation.

    The Kasina presents a different set of options; visuals are a bit less crisp but more fluid and organic, and the left and right eyes can be set to independent colors and frequencies if you so desire, unlike the Procyon. And we've introduced a very powerful and capable session encoding system with SpectraStrobe: the visual control signals are incorporated into the MP3 session. These are two very different technologies, with a similar intent.

    The Kasina has another advantage: our new 12LED GanzFrames, which include 3 blue, 2 green and 1 red LED per eye; these provide an improved color mix to your closed eyelids. And more good news is, we will soon introduce similar 12LED GanzFrames for the Procyon, too. And a 2,500 lumen custom power supply and 50 watt LED array which works with both of them, which can turn your wall, ceiling, screen etc. into quite a display...

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