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Thread: Procyon XP driver

  1. Default Procyon XP driver

    Well I seem to be missing the Windows driver that would allow all the fun stuff to work right. I do not see it in the download section anywhere, nor in any of the zip files available. Any help would be cool - thx

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    The Windows driver and editor software have not been released yet. We hope to have them out soon, but are still working on some finishing touches.
    We'll post a message on the forum once the software is released.

    Thanks for your interest!

    Oops! Spoke too soon - I guess it's been posted on the support site. Didn't notice!!

    It's at

    Last edited by Andy; 12-17-2006 at 10:49 AM.

  3. Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Sorry, as I stated, no driver in any of those files. I have tried to install everything (beta editor, stable editor), on multiple systems, under multiple approaches (installing software first, installing hardware first, etc...many different approaches). No luck getting any recognition. I have followed every ounce of directions I can find too, still no luck. Even with the 1.65 version, Windows does not recognize any of the included files as drivers. I'll keep trying though

    specifically - windows wants to install driver for a TUSB3410 Boot device - which is never found, and hence the unit can not communicate with editor.
    Last edited by biosylum; 12-17-2006 at 04:04 PM.

  4. Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Here are the two references for instructions on connecting to a PC. They are conflicting, in that one intimates that the USB driver is seperate. Neither method worked for me. Still trying though

    Procyon user manual states -
    Connecting to a PC
    We've included a USB cable so you can connect Procyon to your
    PC. Before doing so, be sure to download the USB driver from
    the Procyon section of and
    install it before connecting your system. In addition, you will need
    to download and install the Procyon Editor software and its associated
    User?s Guide (the zip'd file Procyon Package includes all

    Procyon Software guide states-
    Once you've downloaded the software from the Procyon section of, unzip it and run setup.exe. Follow any
    instructions you see on screen. Once you've completed installation, connect your
    Procyon via USB and start the Procyon Editor software; this completes installation
    of the USB driver.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    You're right. The USB driver is not included in that package. We'll get that posted up there right away. Sorry about that!

  6. Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    There seems to be a lot that is purported to be available, but yet is nowhere to be seen. I will be patient. I did grab the new download, and did eventually get things worked out. I doubt the average joe would be so lucky. I think I ran into hardware conflicts on one system (system would not reboot into windows after installing USB driver, if the Procyon was plugged into the system). Are you folks interested in this type of information here? I will be troubleshooting that dilemma, and may find an answer. Thx again for the quick response on the driver-bios

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    We didn't find any problems with the USB driver on testing, but certainly installing drivers can be tricky and is not usually recommended for the casual user. I've had no end of trouble installing things like video drivers, bluetooth drivers and so on, and I've been working with computers since before there were PCs. It's always good to have a person who's knowledgable about computers to help if you can.

    That being said, we would like to do our best to make the install as painless as possible; it sounds like we're not there yet.
    Please do let us know what problems you ran into and we'll work to get those problems fixed up.
    Thank you for your patience and understanding!


  8. Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    The only real problem I experienced, was the lack of availability with the driver. I can not see why there were not many complaints concerning this, except that perhaps most owners had not gotten to the point of needing PC connectivity. That solved, I know enough about PC management to get connected, but did have the one system cough. I usually kill all unnecessary motherboard resources, so perhaps having turned off certain functionality played havoc with the new driver. I will sort that out. If I cannot resolve that system, I will send any pertinent sys specs your way (but I do not expect to be thwarted).

    What I would love to get a comment about, is the statement that there would be a conversion tool available at some point, to enable proteus work to be carried over to the procyon. Or how about the eventuality of real-time programming, not necessarily connected to other feedback equipment? (for instance: mouse gestures, or what about that P5 glove?) And lastly, since I am rambling, I too caught the reference about being able to control LED arrays...someday. I will be eagerly awaiting info on that possibility.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    I bought a Procyon, and it did not come with any software

    From reading the manual, if I understand this correctly, you will be able to place sessions on a CD, and then the Procyon machine will load the session into memory. Has the software for this feature been released?

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Quote Originally Posted by biosylum View Post
    The only real problem I experienced, was the lack of availability with the driver. I can not see why there were not many complaints concerning this, except that perhaps most owners had not gotten to the point of needing PC connectivity.
    There's 2 reasons for this. The first is that the product has only been available for about a week, and the second is that as you say, most people use the products "as-is" and are not looking to do a bunch of programming.
    There has been more discussion about programming on the new Procyon than there has been on the Proteus and the Proteus has been around for years! The relative difficulty in getting the Proteus connected to a PC due to it's need for a RS232 port probably hindered many people's efforts I think.
    Do let us know if you find that there is an issue with getting the driver installed on that one PC.



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