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Thread: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

  1. #1
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    Default Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    I am new to this forum and am wondering if anyone has had out of body experiences using light & sound machines? In a book I'm currently reading, the author mentioned that they can he helpful.

    I would be interested to read about any experiences and/or techniques that others would like to discuss.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    Hi C-shore;

    Welcome to the community!

    Scroll down the page to see a section called "Similar Threads". Have a look to see if there's already some discussion on the subject. If not, hopefully someone will answer you!



  3. #3
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    Default Re: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    Thanks Andy.

    I did check out the 'similar threads' area but didn't see anything there that addressed what I'm looking for.

    I would think that a certain percentage of people are using L&S machines to try to do OBE... i.e., bought their machine specifically for that reason. That's what I'm interested in. I've been meditating for many years and am ready for the next 'level' and am hoping these machines can help with that.

    Anybody out there who feels comfortable discussing this?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    Hi CShore,

    Quote Originally Posted by C-shore View Post
    Thanks Andy.

    I did check out the 'similar threads' area but didn't see anything there that addressed what I'm looking for.

    I would think that a certain percentage of people are using L&S machines to try to do OBE... i.e., bought their machine specifically for that reason. That's what I'm interested in. I've been meditating for many years and am ready for the next 'level' and am hoping these machines can help with that.

    Anybody out there who feels comfortable discussing this?
    There was some talk on the forum about Lucid Dreaming - you may find this subject also interesting.

    I would classify OBE as an Altered State of Consciousness since it is controversial whether a person actually does leave their body or if they just think they do. The brain is really good at hallucinating.

    The Audiostrobe CD titled "Requiem" is really good for creating an ASC. I felt like I was floating in space. It was quite a cool feeling.

    I had this friend who claimed that he could astral travel. We set up some experiments where he would travel to my place and tell me what I put on a table. Unfortunately we did not get any results. I think what he was doing was lucid dreaming and not astral traveling.

    Back to light and sound. The best programs for lucid dreaming (and astral traveling) would be a theta based program. I'm not sure whether you are using a Proteus or Procyon so I won't recommend a program to try.

    Last edited by Marisa; 02-26-2008 at 09:56 AM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post

    The Audiostrobe CD titled "Requiem" is really good for creating an ASC.
    Just ordered it a few days ago based on a similar recommendation. I'll let you know how it works for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    I had this friend who claimed that he could astral travel... I think what he was doing was lucid dreaming and not astral traveling.
    My sister can do this (astral travel). She has - twice - traveled to a location where another traveler is, and then comparing notes later on, confirms that they were both there. She was astonished the first time it happened. I know this is 'third-hand' info and hard to believe. Even though I totally believe her, I won't REALLY believe it until I experience it myself.

    I've been working on my lucid dreaming. I can 'do it' occasionally, although it's hard to remember that it's really dream when I'm there. Cool when it works, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    I'm not sure whether you are using a Proteus or Procyon so I won't recommend a program to try
    I have the Sirius and have just started using it. I know it's more of a basic unit, but if it works for me I may upgrade. Do you think it's suitable for beginners to light & sound? (however I've been meditating and reading about consciousness for over 15 years.)

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    Default Re: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    Quote Originally Posted by C-shore View Post
    Just ordered it a few days ago based on a similar recommendation. I'll let you know how it works for me.
    Please do. Everyone I know that has tried has commented on it being a "freaky" experience. lol Ya, that it is.

    My sister can do this (astral travel). She has - twice - traveled to a location where another traveler is, and then comparing notes later on, confirms that they were both there. She was astonished the first time it happened. I know this is 'third-hand' info and hard to believe. Even though I totally believe her, I won't REALLY believe it until I experience it myself.
    See if you can get your sister to travel to your place and tell you what number you have written on a piece of paper. If you and/or your sister can find a way to prove that she can astral travel ... James Randi will give her a million dollars. That would be a nice chunk of change to have for an astral trip.

    Edgar Cayce(sp) became quite famous for his reputed astral ventures where he went to a person's home and looked at their body and diagnoised their illness. The EC society swears that he had this ability and it was documented by his wife - though that alone is not really enough scientifically to go on ... but it's an interesting study.

    I've been working on my lucid dreaming. I can 'do it' occasionally, although it's hard to remember that it's really dream when I'm there. Cool when it works, though.
    I can do it a bit as well. I am quite often "aware" in my dreams but I forget to change things, though sometimes if I don't like the outcome of a dream - while still in the dream state, I go back and change it and then play out the dream with an alternate ending. It's like making your own movies. lol

    I have the Sirius and have just started using it. I know it's more of a basic unit, but if it works for me I may upgrade. Do you think it's suitable for beginners to light & sound? (however I've been meditating and reading about consciousness for over 15 years.)
    The Sirius will do exactly the same thing that the Proteus and Procyon does and that is to guide the brainwaves into a desired state. The Proteus and Procyon are better machines as they have more features -however, for now, the Sirius will serve you just fine.

    I haven't used it (the Sirius) much as my first unit was a Proteus (which I absolutely love). I have used the Procyon as well and really like the sounds on that machine.


  7. Default Re: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    ... ref Lucid Dreaming...
    I can do it a bit as well. I am quite often "aware" in my dreams but I forget to change things, though sometimes if I don't like the outcome of a dream - while still in the dream state, I go back and change it and then play out the dream with an alternate ending. It's like making your own movies. lol
    ... ....
    Had an absolutely amazing, and most funny lucid experience just two nights ago! More than likely due to general use of the Procyon as well as endless reading. And quite useful as you will see.

    Been drinking lots more water the last few weeks for general health, rather than too many cups of tea. But forgot I should not drink too much before going to bed, which brings me to the dream.

    Was walking through a woodland area, looking for a place to pee! Saw a strange looking public loo entrance which I went into, and then walked down a long, beautiful curving (mansion like) stairway. As I was walking down the stairs I felt more 'strange' and felt myself apart from the dream. Saw a row of urinals and headed there to relieve my pressure, BUT, just as I was about to do so, I became even more aware of what I was doing and told myself to stop! I clearly remember standing back and talking to myself standing in front of me - instructing myself to wake up and go to the loo. Sure enough, I woke up and went to bathroom. Phew...

    Next time I hope to remember to spend more time looking around and doing the lucid checks like seeing how many fingers I have. Will not drink too much before bedtime again though.
    Last edited by RichardHK; 02-27-2008 at 02:43 AM. Reason: Typos
    Richard, Hong Kong
    richardhk dot com

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    Default Re: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    I haven't used it (the Sirius) much as my first unit was a Proteus (which I absolutely love).
    So what do you use your machine for mostly? For me it's a meditation aid and to access higher - or different - states of consciousness. But I'm totally open to other types of ideas.

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    Default Re: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    See if you can get your sister to travel to your place and tell you what number you have written on a piece of paper. If you and/or your sister can find a way to prove that she can astral travel ... James Randi will give her a million dollars. That would be a nice chunk of change to have for an astral trip.
    Yeah, we're in the process of trying that... to prove it to ourselves, not anyone else. So far, no luck.

    However, I must say that it's my feeling that we (you, me - all of us) try and define what OBEs and spiritual experiences are on the basis of our life experiences. Of course that is perfectly rational - what else do we have to base them on? But if one is experiencing something that is not based on our reality, is it fair to expect them to 'prove' it based on our reality instead of the one that they're experiencing? For example, if you're a watercolor artist and I'm a mathematician who discovers some new theorom, is it fair for you to demand that I prove it to you using a brush and paints?

    Having said that, I too want proof in the currency of my beliefs. I just don't know if that's fair - to the other person or myself.

    Regarding the $1 million prize... that's not not what any of this is about. I can't imagine her or myself trying to claim that prize. Not that I don't like the thought of winning $1 million... it's just completely foreign to the concept of what I'm (and she) are trying to discover and experience.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Out of Body with Light & Sound?

    Quote Originally Posted by C-shore View Post
    So what do you use your machine for mostly? For me it's a meditation aid and to access higher - or different - states of consciousness. But I'm totally open to other types of ideas.
    I use my machine for a few things. I use it improve my working concentration as well as rejuvination when I'm feeling tired.

    I have used the machine for pure entertainment as sometimes I like to set the machine to one of the pyro or mind art programs and plug my headphones into my computer and listen to music and get a light show. Oddly enough this usually induces an ASC .... hmmm or is it a flashback. ha ha (just kidding).


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