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Thread: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

  1. #1

    Default Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

    The Lux Brainwave Entrainment Instrument is now available for download.

    Get it at (url removed - site gone)

    Lux is a VST instrument that should work in any Windows-based, 32-bit host.

    It is a full-featured environment for composing brainwave entrainment sessions for audiostrobe-capable light and sound machines, such as the Mindplace Procyon & Proteus. Its various modules give you the power to create different kinds of entrainment stimuli:

    • Audiostrobe light tracks for LED goggles, with independent control over left and right channels, and the ability to trigger LEDs with MIDI
    • Binaural beats which can be assigned to any pitch manually or played via MIDI
    • A white & pink noise generator
    • Low Frequency Oscillators (LFOs, or "choppers") that can create isochronic tones from a loaded WAV file, Audio Input, Noise, or the Binaural Beat channel as a source.

    Lux was designed to be used within a multitrack DAW system, such as Reaper (recommended), Cubase, or Ableton Live. Each of its sound generating modules can be output to its own stereo channel. This allows you to create sessions which use multiple types of entrainment stimuli and can be post-processed within the DAW for final mixdown and mastering. Nearly all of its parameters can be automated from within your DAW, and there is an extensive modulation matrix for controlling parameters over time.

    Lux should be compatible with any version of Windows, but will only run in 32-bit mode. To install, simply download the file from the link in the last post in this thread and extract it to your computer's default VST Plugins directory. Be sure to read the license and the manual.

    Most VST hosts (DAWs) will automatically scan the VST folder on startup, and you should be able to load Lux onto an instrument channel immediately. Otherwise, you may need to initiate a VST scan yourself. Check your DAW's manual if you're not sure how.

    Please take Lux for a spin and let me know what you think. Enjoy!

    -Steve Duell
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Andy; 03-30-2018 at 05:50 AM. Reason: Remove URL since web site gone
    Veritas Lux Mea

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Tripping the Light Fantastic
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    Default Re: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

    Looks great Steve! I'll give it a spin and report back. Thanks so much for your hard work on this.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

    Thanks, Steve! I've just confirmed that it will install on my 32 bit XP system and won't install on my Windows7 64 bit system... will check it out on my home computer this weekend (win7/32 running on my Mac via Parallels).


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available


    LUX Error Win7x64.JPG

    Running the installer in WinXP compatibility mode allows it to start installing. I didn't complete the install, just checked that it would start.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

    Sorry for the confusion. Just to be clear, I distributed an installer file (Lux BWEI v1.0 Installer.exe) to a few people before starting this thread. That installer package is what's responsible for the incompatibility message, and not the plugin itself. I'm almost 100% positive that the plugin can be used on any windows OS, XP or greater, provided your VST host software is running in 32 bit mode. To avoid the installer error messages, I decided to scrap the .exe installer and just let users extract a .zip file (from the final post in this thread) directly to their VST Plugins folder.

    So if I gave you an .exe file to install, and it works, great! If it doesn't, then please try the .zip file at the website.

    Last edited by esteband; 01-20-2014 at 07:30 PM. Reason: clarity
    Veritas Lux Mea

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

    Hi Steve,

    Works superbly under Win 7 64-bit with MuLab 32-bit when installed from the Zipfile.

    So many knobs to twiddle!!!

    A fine piece of work.


  7. Default Re: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

    Thank you Steve for sharing LUX with every one!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

    My pleasure! I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
    Veritas Lux Mea

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

    Lux is awesome! I'm using it in MuLab.

    The learning curve is entirely worth the trouble (although I suspect I have only scratched the surface!)


  10. #10

    Default Re: Lux BWEI - Audiostrobe VST Plug-In for Windows Is Now Available

    Hey folks - just a heads up. Lux has been updated to version 1.1, and is available at the link in the last post of this thread.
    What's New:
    All of the filters have been re-scaled. In the previous version, if you set Lo-Pass to 10, there were still some highs that were cut out. Likewise, if you set Hi-Pass to zero, there were still some lows getting removed. With the re-scaled filters, setting Hi-Pass to its minimum and Lo-Pass to its maximum leaves your incoming audio signal totally unaffected.

    In the next few weeks, I'll release the Lux Responder - a color organ type effect which changes the brightness of the lights according to the frequencies and dynamics in your music. I'll announce it here when it's available.
    Last edited by esteband; 01-20-2014 at 07:31 PM.
    Veritas Lux Mea

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