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Thread: Long term effects on intelligence

  1. #1

    Default Long term effects on intelligence

    Hi, I am currently a student who has finished his first year of university.

    My main interest in using the Procyon would be for the long term effects. More specifically, I am looking for ways that can increase my long term intelligence. Now there is a whole debate on whether innate intelligence can be increase or not but my personal view is that it is certainly possible.

    I understand that the alpha state (around 10hz) is associated with superlearning.

    I have tried to put myself into the above altered state using binaural beats, but I have not noticed much of a difference. From what i understand, Procyon is essentially adding a visual aspect to it.

    Basically, has anybody tried increasing their IQ through the Procyon? If so, what were the results? I have also noticed that the administrators seem very keen on participating in these discussions, so I invite them to do so as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Long term effects on intelligence

    Hello and welcome!

    I think this thread and also this thread may be of some interest...

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: Long term effects on intelligence

    I don't think one can increase one's innate IQ. However, many people don't make good use of what they have and don't reach their true potential. So rather than increasing your innate IQ I think that the Procyon and brain entrainment as well as other factors (like diet etc.) can help you reach/discovering your true potential, which might be much higher than you imagine.

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