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Thread: Are old programs still valid?

  1. #1

    Default Are old programs still valid?

    Hello again.
    I have just recently decided to give my Proteus another go. I gave up on it before as I found the instructions a bit confusing and did not feel that I had enough information. I have since come on the forum and learned so much especually the breakdown of the sessions charts.

    What I would like to know is if the following sessions are still valid and if there are charts to go with them ?
    I do hope so!


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Are old programs still valid?

    Are these different than the Sessions that are on the support site?

    The file in your post was not attached properly. To upload a file, please see this post:

  3. #3

    Default Re: Are old programs still valid?

    Tried to do that but seems I am unable. Anyway there are 18 different programs starting at 'Theta Meditaion' and ending with 'Glowing Vibe'
    Can you give me link to support site?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Are old programs still valid?

    Quote Originally Posted by Moonchild View Post
    Tried to do that but seems I am unable.
    I'm sorry to hear that. Which step did you get stuck on?
    Anyway there are 18 different programs starting at 'Theta Meditaion' and ending with 'Glowing Vibe'
    I haven't heard of that one.
    Can you give me link to support site?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Are old programs still valid?

    When I try to upload the file this is what I get. The files are definately Proteus ones and the date on them is 2006
    There does not seem to be any mention of them on the support page. Very strange.
    I think I have actually downloaded 14 of them going by my accessory memory but it was due to having difficulties downloading and understanding what I was doing that made me give up. I remember at the time asking people to help but nobody else could understnd it either.
    I have definately got sessions there but no way to tell which is which.

    Invalid File

    BTW on the support page it gives revised sessions of the original ones. Are these worth downloading? Are they a real improvement to the originals and the charts that I have been given.............are they the sessions of the revised ones or the original ones

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Are old programs still valid?

    Quote Originally Posted by Moonchild View Post
    When I try to upload the file this is what I get.

    Invalid File
    A .CAB file is a compressed format. I don't think you can load that into a Proteus. A .CAB file is usually used for installing a piece of software. It was refused as an attachment because of that.

    Where did you get this file? Do you happen to have the .Pr2 files (sessions) or the .Pa2 (album) files for these sessions? I'm sure people would be interested any and all different sessions that are available for the Proteus.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Are old programs still valid?

    Stand by your beds! They will be comin a-through!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Are old programs still valid?

    These sessions have been added to the library.
    See here:


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